The boosters are a group of dedicated band parent volunteers that help promote, support, and assist in the betterment of the Rockwall-Heath High School Band as follows:
Remember, behind every great band is a great Booster organization! Please lend a helping hand by signing up to volunteer.
The band hosts several types of fundraisers such as
These events and/or products may change from year to year.
Participation in fund raising activities is highly encouraged to help students and parents defray the cost of operating the band, and to raise funds for the spring band trip. The students will be given several opportunities throughout the school year to raise funds for the Band Boosters and their spring trip. It is never refundable, yet carries over from year to year. Upon graduation, if a Senior band member still has a balance remaining in his/her fund raising account, it may be transferred to a younger sibling’s account or becomes part of the general band fund. Remember, this information pertains to money earned through fundraisers. Your personal contributions to the student’s travel fund are generally refundable under certain guidelines which will be outlined in a separate document when the trip draws nearer. Deposits on trips are always non-refundable regardless of whether they are paid with money raised or personal contributions.
If the family of the students prefers to opt out of fundraising they can do so by paying the fundraiser buyout of $300/student at the Band Supply Day held in August.
Awards are given to deserving band students at the annual Band Banquet held in May. Awards are presented in several categories for outstanding improvement or achievement on a particular instrument or in a particular performing ensemble.
Nationally recognized awards of distinction are presented each year to the outstanding band members in the ensembles. These awards are generally given to a junior or a senior who have exceeded expectations and are exemplary musicians. They are as follows:
All awards are given to recognize hard work and excellence in music, citizenship and service. So, GO FOR IT!
We are fortunate to be able to offer our students a fully-staffed faculty from which private lessons are available. Each faculty member is approved by the Rockwall ISD and most are performers in local orchestras and chamber groups. This program is designed to assist students one-on-one with a specialist on his/her instrument. It is a convenient way for students to get extra help because many teachers schedule lessons during band class or after school. Not only is it convenient, but is offered at an inexpensive rate of $25.00 per 30 minute lesson. Private study is strongly recommended for each student, however, is not required. Private lessons may help a student progress twice as fast as group instruction and may help the student better prepare for participation in concert band activities, region band auditions, and solo-ensemble contest. If you are interested in studying privately, see your director as soon as possible. an answer to this item.
In determining your band grade, the following areas will be considered:
Contrary to popular belief, band is not an “easy A.” Grades are distributed according to the above criteria, are kept on record, and available to you at any time to keep track of your progress. The “A” student will:
The privilege to perform as a band member must be earned in your academic classes. A grade of 69 or below on a report card can deny your performance privileges for three to nine weeks. In the event that a student becomes ineligible, they will be suspended from participating in competitive activities until the end of a three week period in which hopefully such a student achieves a course grade average of 70 or above in every course. Such suspension shall become effective seven days after the last day of the grading period during which the grade lower than 70 was earned. Re-instatement shall occur seven days after the official three-week grade check period or the end of a grading period in which all subjects are passed with at least a grade of 70.
In the event that a student becomes ineligible, they will be suspended from participating in competitive activities until the end of a three week period in which hopefully such a student achieves a course grade average of 70 or above in every course. Such suspension shall become effective seven days after the last day of the grading period during which the grade lower than 70 was earned. Re-instatement shall occur seven days after the official three-week grade check period or the end of a grading period in which all subjects are passed with at least a grade of 70. To avoid eligibility problems, do yourself a favor and meet your teachers halfway. They want you to succeed, but you must do your part.
In the majority of cases, students are expected to furnish their own instrument, however, the following instruments are available to rent from the school as available: oboe, bassoon, bass clarinet, baritone sax, French horn, marching French horn, euphonium, marching baritone, tuba, sousaphone and percussion. Students using school-owned instruments are required to fill out the proper forms and pay the maintenance fee. Many school-owned instruments are in new or exceptional condition. If a student habitually mistreats an instrument, the band director reserves the right to take the instrument away. In addition, if damage to the instrument is caused by careless actions or negligence, the student will be expected to pay for the repair.
All reed and double reed players will be required to have a swab, cork grease, a lyre, and at least three playable reeds at all rehearsals and performances. Flutes should have a tuning rod, swab and a lyre. Brass players should have valve/slide oil, slide grease, a lyre, and any mutes required by the music. Percussionists should keep a stick bag with all mallets and sticks appropriate to the instruments they play. See the percussion instructor for specifics.
It is strongly suggested that parents insure their child’s instrument. Most problems with missing instruments can be avoided if the student will leave their instrument in the band room during the day and not carry the instrument with them from class to class or leave it in their locker. The district does not carry insurance for personal property and neither the school district nor its employees will be held responsible for loss or damage to an instrument.
Tip: Keep a record of the serial number of the instrument. Write it down and/or take a picture of it.
Practice is ALWAYS NECESSARY! A Student’s playing improves only by experience gained on your instrument. One gains experience by the amount of time spent with “horn to face” or “sticks on drums”, or “flag in hand.” The best way to make practice more enjoyable is to have a set routine that you will follow every day. Your goal should be to practice AT LEAST six days a week for one hour. Always look for improvement and focus on strengthening your weaknesses. Practice the more difficult passages and refrain from going over the parts you do know over and over again. Concentrate on getting a GOOD CHARACTERISTIC SOUND at all times. It makes no difference how loud, high, or fast you can play if the tone is not enjoyable to listen to. Never sacrifice accuracy for speed. When a student’s playing improves, then all the time spent practicing will have been worthwhile.
Daily home practice is expected and required. Instruments and music folders left at school overnight, especially on weekends, will affect the six-week’s average (not to mention the effect it will have on the band as a whole)! Your goal as a musician is to add to the band’s sound, not detract from it. Practice to be perfect.
Students are required to audition for all select performance ensembles. The band staff will determine audition requirements and will notify students of auditions well in advance. The band staff will serve as evaluators and will post results in a timely fashion. Students may be re-evaluated periodically for participation in select performance ensembles. A student who does not audition will not be placed in a performance ensemble and is subject to dismissal from the band program. All auditions are live and done individually.
Auditions for drum major, section leader, drum line, and color guard, will take place in May. RHHS band staff will evaluate the section leader, drum line and color guard auditions while outside judges will be used for the drum major auditions.
School transportation is provided for all football games, festivals and competitions. Parents will be asked to complete the Medical Form during band registration which will suffice for travel permission throughout the school year.
TO PARENTS OF STUDENTS WHO DO NOT DRIVE: Please be on time to pick up your child from school. After away games, students are generally back at school between 10:30 and 11:00pm depending on how far we travel. After in town games, students may be picked up from school at approximately 10:00pm.
After school rehearsals: Students should be picked up in a timely manner. They will not be permitted to “hang out” after school hours. The school administration is cracking down on this problem for the safety of the students. For the most part, students who “hang out” are unsupervised and could either be put in a dangerous situation or be the cause of a dangerous situation.
Students will receive a 25% credit towards money owed to the band from donations after the $300 fundraising goal has been met and cost of advertisement for the company making the donation has been applied. Credits from donations can only be applied to money owed to the band and will not be available to the student as a cash payment. Once the $300 fundrising goal and band fees have been paid in full, donation credits can then be applied to the band trip.
Charms accepts credit card payments through PayPal. Follow these instructions to make payments.
We use the software called CHARMS as our database system to keep track of our students demographic information, class schedules, instruments/uniforms checked out, finacial statements, etc. We also access CHARMS to communicate by e-mail.
Follow these instructions:
1. Go to:
2. Click on "Parents/Students/Members" (Right Tab)
3. Enter "RockHeathHSB" the click on "Enter Parent Area" button
Enter Charms Student Password in the "Student Area Password" box on the top left of your screen. Initially the password is the student's ID number, but you can change it as you please.
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